Who are Łoł
Łoł is the spiritual collective led by Matt Corduroy and Bill Cool. They both met through a (now disbanded) Facebook group called ‘Stockhausen Syndrome’, which was an unofficial group for groupies of Karlheinz Stockhausen.
Both sharing a love for experimental and chance-based living, they created the ‘Łoł Technique’ to which they are both devoted to as a form of lifestyle. The music they make is a vehicle for the teaching of the ‘Łoł Technique’.
In the beginning
Victor and Amit have been making music together for a number of years. Initially they shared one computer and rather than work simultaneously, they took ‘turns’. Perhaps inspired by Luke Rhinehart’s ‘The Dice Man’ (which they happened to both be reading around that time), they started to incorporate elements of chance into their collaborations and jams.
Things like: “If you roll a 6, you have to miss your turn”, or “whatever number you roll, that’s how many new instruments you’re allowed to add”.
Over time, what started out as playful ‘interventions’ – ways in which to restrict the creative process – start to yield unexpected results. Often times the music produced as a result of these light interventions was something that neither would have consciously thought to do.
Cause and effect
The interventions also started to change how they each interacted with the music program itself. Both were ‘forced’ at times to use instruments and sounds they wouldn’t have initially reached for.
The sessions evolved into using 2 machines/laptops simultaneously – machine A and Machine B – and a coin would be flipped to decide who would use what machine.
It wasn’t too long before an entire system of ‘interventions’ started to formalise themselves as ordered rules.